Board Meeting Minutes,January 4th 2021- Approved


Monday, January 04, 2021

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by President Arnie DeJoode.


Officers: Arnie DeJoode, President; Mike Manning, Vice President; Howard Harmon, Treasurer

Section I Directors: Jim Stevens, Greg Weekley

Section II-III Directors: Harry Dellinger, Anna Hartwig, Pat Mulvaney,

Joyce Venker

RV Section Directors: Pat Fladeland, Margie Glaesemann (absent)

Secretary: Sonya Bush

Parliamentarian: Carole Buwalda

Jurisprudence: Carole Buwalda

Secretary Report:  A synopsis of the minutes of the Board Meeting of December 7, 2020, was read. The minutes were accepted as read.

Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Howard Harmon. He noted that the end of the year interest for the NavyArmy CD’s was estimated.

  • General Fund:
  • General Net Operating Funds Available: $247,862
  • Total YTD income: $416,851
  • YTD Expenditures: $376,176
  • Net Income YTD: $40,676
  • Total Activity Funds Available: $74,187
  • Rental Property: $9,981
  • Memorial Fund: $3,001

The report was approved and put to file for future audit.



Old Business

  1. Audit Committee

The January through November audit was completed in December. The December audit will be completed and the report written for the January Homeowner’s meeting.


  1. BOD Committee for Homeowner’s Meeting and Auction Logistics

Joyce Venker said the December 21st Homeowners’ Meeting went very well as far as getting people checked in with the three different entrances, having temperatures taken, keeping track of the number of people, and having social distancing.

For the January Homeowners’ Meeting everyone will have to sign in because of the voting and ask the homeowner if they own more than one property. If so, they will need to sign in for both properties so that can be counted towards a quorum.


The committee of Greg Weekley, Pat Fladeland, and Joyce Venker also met with the Auction committee. There is very little in the auction shed so they recommended cancelling the auction. Items for the auction will still be picked up for next year.

A motion was made and seconded with one (1) Nay to cancel the auction for this year.


  1. Committee Chairs

The committee chair for Wertz Hall Decorations is UNFILLED.


  1. COVID-19 Policies and Status of Activities

Last month the Board decided to cancel the February dance.

A motion was made and seconded to also cancel the March 6 dance. Motion passed with two (2) Nays.


The one case of COVID-19 that we have in the park followed the procedures and guidelines that we have set up and it worked very well. Also we followed the procedures that we had in place for sanitizing everything. This summer we bought a fogger to help us sanitize Wertz Hall.  It worked so well that we sanitized everything in one morning.


  1. Mowing Fairway Experiment

Fairways number five (5) and number seventeen (17) will be used to do the study for the fairway mower. This study will be set up possibly in the next week. This is to let the homeowners see if they would like to have the shorter fairways before it comes up for a vote at a future Homeowners’ Meeting.


  1. Stage Blinds, Blood Drive, and Wellness Screening

Mary Pruett gave a report on the Blinds for the Stage. Lowe’s said the blinds should be in within the next week.


Only six (6) people signed up to give blood for the blood drive so that will be cancelled.

Mary Pruett took over the position of organizing the Wellness Screening on January 19, 2021, at 7:00 A.M. Sign-up sheets will be put up at both post offices and on the bulletin board in Wertz Hall. She gave the oral guidelines that would be used for the screening.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed that the Board approve the oral guidelines that will be used for the Wellness Screening.


New Business

  1. Voting Time for Officer/Director Elections on Monday, January 11, 2021

Carole Buwalda talked about changing the voting hours. The official hours are in the Official By-Laws and would have to be changed by a vote of the Homeowners.


After some discussion, a motion was made and seconded that because of COVID-19 this year, the voting hours on Monday, January 11, 2021, should be changed to 10:00 A.M. thru 1:00 P.M. The motion passed with three (3) Nays.


There is also a mailbox in the office for the absentee ballots.


  1. Voting Logistics for Officer/Director Elections

Carole reported about the logistics for the officer/director election. Homeowners would come in three (3) doors, (kitchen, card room, and main door), have their temperatures taken, sign in, and use social distancing. A teller would be there to give them their vote. Voting would take place in the pool room where social distancing would be maintained.

Also they would be encouraged to vote and leave with no socializing.


  1. Voting Logistics at Annual HOM Meeting on Monday, January 18, 2021

Carole also reported on the logistics for the HOM Meeting. They would be the same as for the Officer/Director Election: coming in three (3) different doors, taking temperatures, and sign in using social distancing, and receiving their ballot(s).


  1. 2021 Operating Budget and Special Projects Proposal

President Arnie DeJoode presented a proposal of the 2021 budget.

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to present this budget as presented to the homeowners to vote on each item individually.


  1. Activity Fund Pre-Approval of Expenses Review
  • 2021 New Year’s Eve Dance $5,000
  • 2022 February Dance $1,000
  • 2022 March Dance $1,000
  • 2021 BMI Music Royalty $2,000
  • 2021 ASCAP Music Royalty $1,000
  • 2021 All Park Picnic $3,000
  • 2021 Logo Clothing $3,000
  • 2021 Sales Tax $2,000
  • Pools/Hot Tubs Controls $6,000

Total Pre-Approved                              $24,000

A motion was made, seconded, and passed to put this list to the Homeowners to be voted on individually.


  1. Items to be voted on at Annual HOM Meeting
  2. 2021 Annual Budget Approval
  3. $10 per month increase in dues
  4. Pre-Approved Activity Fund List with each item to be voted on individually
    1. 2021 New Year’s Eve Dance $5,000
    2. 2022 February Dance $1,000
    3. 2022 March Dance $1,000
    4. 2021 BMI Music Royalty $2,000
    5. 2021 ASCAP Music Royalty $1,000
    6. 2021 All Park Picnic $3,000
    7. 2021 Logo Clothing $3,000
    8. 2021 Sales Tax $2,000
    9. Pools/Hot Tubs Controls $6,000
  5. Special Projects to be voted on individually
    1. Wertz Hall Lighting $6,000
    2. Wertz Hall Walls ½” Drywall, Paint, Trim $3,000
    3. South Pond Deck $8,000
  6. Encumbered Funds Additions for 2021
    1. Wertz Hall Future Needs $22,000
    2. Insurance Deductible $4,435
    3. Street Repair $16,009
    4. Swimming Pool and Hot Tubs Future Needs $4,000


General Discussion:

Directors Reports:

  • Jim Stevens is concerned about activities like cards and sewing still going on with COVID-19 in the park.
  • Anna Hartwig has forms that need to be filled out before you can get the COVID-19 vaccine at the Rodeo Grounds in Mercedes starting on Tuesday morning, January 5, 2021.
  • Joyce Venker has a request from Jan Calley for some new Music Sing Along Books. She would like 30 books at $5.00 each for a total of $150. Approved.
  • Pat Mulvaney had a question about the need for lights to be on in Wertz Hall during the night.
  • Greg Weekley said this is his last Board Meeting.




Friday, January 8, 2021, at 1:00 p.m. is Meet the Candidates to be followed with the       Budget Review.

Thank you to Joyce Venker, Pat Mulvaney, Pat Fladeland and Gregg Weekley for serving on the Board of Directors the past two years.


A motion was made, seconded, and passed to adjourn at 10:30 A.M.

Submitted by Sonya Bush, Secretary