Homeowner Meeting Minutes, January 18th 2021-Approved

Adobe Wells Homeowners’ Meeting

Monday, January 18, 2021

The meeting was called to order by President Arnie DeJoode at 10:10 A.M.

A quorum was present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Moment of silence for the sick and departed.

Introduction of the Board Members and Officers:

  • President – Arnie DeJoode
  • Vice President – Mike Manning
  • Treasurer -Howard Harmon
  • Section I -Jim Stevens, Greg Weekley
  • Section II/III – Harry Dellinger, Anna Hartwig, Pat Mulvaney (absent),

Joyce Venker

  • Section II-RV – Pat Fladeland, Margie Glaesemann (absent)
  • Secretary – Sonya Bush
  • Parliamentarian – Carole Buwalda
  • Jurisprudence – Carole Buwalda

New Homeowners present:  Rick and Lauri Bodem at 4909 Carnation

Secretary’s Report:

A synopsis of the minutes from the March 16, 2020, Homeowners’ meeting was given. The minutes were accepted as read. The April and November 2020 meetings were cancelled due to COVID-19. There were no minutes for the December 21, 2020, meeting because there was not enough for a quorum.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Howard Harmon reviewed the report for December, 2020, which included the 2020 year end results.

  1. General Fund
    • Net Operating Funds Available: $248,213 (includes $92,365 2021 Dues)
    • Total YTD Income: $417,202
    • Total YTD Expenditure: $376,176
    • Net Income YTD: $41,026
  2. Total Activity Funds Available: $74,187
  3. Rental Property Balance: $9,952
  4. Memorial Fund Balance: $3,001

The reports were approved and put to file for future audit.

 Old Business:

  1. The December 21,2020, Homeowners’ Meeting was an Informational Meeting because no quorum was present. Information shared covered Summer Projects, Wertz Hall Exterior Renovation, Daffodil/Taylor Intersection Project, and Daffodil Widening Project. Reports on Summer Projects and Wertz Hall Exterior are available from the Adobe Wells Business Office.
  2. 2.2021 Officers and Directors Election Results                   President: Mike Manning

Vice-President: Joyce Venker

Treasurer: Arnie DeJoode

Section I Director: June Davisson

Section II-RV Director: Darrill Burgett

Section II/III Directors (2): Nick Golden, Lisa Guinn

  1. Audit Committee Report The audit committee consisting of Bill Venker, Hartwell Amlee, and Maria Spafford finished the audit for 2020. They found everything in order with the funds and had no recommendations. They said that Veronica Rojas, Adobe Wells Park Manager, does an excellent job. They also thanked Howard Harmon, the current Treasurer, for the time and help given to the Audit Committee. The report was submitted for filing.


  1. Stage Curtains Replacement

The new vertical blinds over the Bingo Board have now been installed. This was organized by Mary Pruett.


  1. Fairway Mowing Proposal

Mike Manning gave an update on the Fairway Mowing Proposal. Next week Fairways 5 and 17 will be cut shorter as an experiment. Please give your feedback to the committee as to whether you like the shorter fairways or not.


  1. Thank you to the Outgoing Board of Directors Members:

Howard Harmon, Greg Weekley, Pat Mulvaney, Joyce Venker, and Pat Fladeland

New Business:

  1. Status of Activities: The 2021 March Dance and the 2021 Auction were canceled by the Board of Directors at their January 4, 2021, meeting.

Happy Hour has been canceled as of today until further notice because of the COVID outbreaks in the park. The Hole-in-One party scheduled for this Friday has also been postponed until further notice.

  1. The 2021 Fee Invoices that were distributed included COVID-19 Policies, Status of Activities, and Guidelines and Recommendations if COVID-19 is in Adobe Wells.
  2. 2021 General Fund Budget and Activity Fund Pre-Approvals Arnie went over the Proposed General Fund Budget for 2021, line-item income and expenses, the General Fund summary, and Activity Fund Pre-Approval including an explanation of items to vote on.
  1. Vote on 2021 General Fund Budget and Activity Fund Pre-Approval. Voting ballots were collected and taken to be counted.


Howard Harmon announced that the Wellness Screening scheduled for January 19, 2021, will still be held. Be there by 6:45 A.M. Mary Pruett is in charge so call her with any questions. Wertz Hall will be sanitized.

We continue to ask people to adhere to the COVID-19 rules and suggestions, to show respect for your neighbors by wearing masks, social distancing, washing your hands, and avoiding crowds. Be cautious at the Post Office and Package Pick-up and groups of people. We had two more cases reported today bringing our total to 7.


A motion was made, seconded, and approved to adjourn at 11:20 a.m.

Submitted by Sonya Bush, Secretary